
About Unitouch

Unitouch has been developing a total concept of payment systems for the catering industry, hotels, wellness, company canteens, recreational parks and retail stores for over 20 years. Unitouch payment systems guarantee continuity, simplicity, reliability and speed. The entire organisation of the company can be managed with this system. Linking it to BackOffice software modules and peripheral equipment makes it complete.

Information about the integration

Unitouch knows the hospitality sector and related sectors like no other and knows which cash register functions are important to you as an entrepreneur. Sector developments are closely monitored and are continually translated into new functionalities in the various models. 


  • import of turnover to Shiftbase
  • import of clock times to Unitouch
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body > div.body-wrapper.hs-content-id-157836571743.hs-blog-post > div:nth-of-type(5) > div > a.popover-signup