Bork Horeca

POS software designed for the hospitality industry.

With the Bork Horeca POS system, you effortlessly manage all aspects of your business from one central location. Whether it's table layout, orders, or payments, our system ensures simple and efficient management. But why choose our POS system? The answer is simple: we want to simplify your operations, save time, and increase productivity. With our POS system, you no longer have to juggle different systems and processes. Everything you need is at your fingertips in one place.

Information about the integration:

Bork Horeca ensures that employees imported from Shiftbase are synchronized with the Domino POS system. The complete employee management continues to take place in Shiftbase. Additionally, sales data is sent to Shiftbase every 15 minutes.


  • Sending revenue data from Domino to Shiftbase (every 15 minutes).
  • Synchronizing employees from Shiftbase to Domino.
  • Employee management is handled in Shiftbase.
  • Clocking in and out on the Shiftbase Kiosk via the POS system.
Pos Recommended Free Built by Shiftbase
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